Nothing beats a well-organized and refreshed house just in time for spring! Because the weather is still cooler than later in the year, many people begin cleaning and decluttering around March. Not only is it good to have a refreshing home, but giving away some of our stuff would be ideal!
Have you ever wondered where the idea of spring cleaning and decluttering originated? Initially, it was a religious and cultural ritual, but it later became a habit to clear away all the filth and welcome the spring after the winter.
Here are some tips in time for the spring cleaning and decluttering season!
Plan it ahead and set your priorities.
Cleaning and decluttering can be overwhelming, especially if you don't know where to begin. First, decide when to start and focus on a small spot. You don't have to finish everything in two days! When deciding on a place, you might focus on one part of the space. Rather than doing your whole wardrobe, you might focus on the shoes.
Start with decluttering and then go for cleaning.
Aside from the time and work required, decluttering makes cleaning easier for you. The more you remove items from the surface, the simpler and faster cleaning will be. After decluttering and putting things away, make sure to use natural, non toxic cleaning supplies.
A closer look into decluttering and cleaning with tips shared by Just Energy
Throwing out outdated and expired goods such as canned food, spices, packaged food, and more is essential in the kitchen, but don't stop there. Examine your appliances and dispose of the old ones while recycling or donating the ones you have never used and will never use. Make room for new, more useful ones!
When it comes time to clean out your closet, donate the clothes that don't fit you anymore or that you no longer wear. Keeping them will only degrade them, so give them to someone else who can wear them.
Moving on to the bathroom, dispose of any old bottles that have expired or are no longer in use. If there is any shampoo, conditioner, or cream left, add them to smaller bottles and save up some space. Check out the shaving machines you have if they're still functioning properly.
Cleaning and decluttering can be more enjoyable by listening to lively and vibrant music to keep you motivated and active. Manage your time so that you don't feel overwhelmed and despise it, and don't forget that your house will be clean and fresh once done. Happy spring cleaning and decluttering!